Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Coach

Enter Marian Hoff: My wife and my awesome coach.

She first started giving me coaching advice when we were dating. It started with my swimming, and has since evolved into her helping in ALL areas of my training: Running, Swimming, Cycling, Fueling, Stretching, etc.

She has an extremely sharp mind, and natural instinct about the physiology of the human body and mechanics thereof when it comes to most sports. Gymnastics, swimming, and nutrition being her forte, it wasn't too hard for her to study up on running and cycling to make her a perfect training coach for me!

I tend to be the stubborn sort at times. When she suggests I should change something, I sometimes resist. But eventually, whether it be by reading some article, or by just trying it my way (and failing), I usually have to admit that she is right.

But more than anything else, she is a faithful, dedicated, and super-supportive wife who's encouragement and admiration means more to me than any sort of coaching ever would. I'm a very lucky man.

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